Ten Random Facts About Me

Ten Random Facts About Me

My name is Jeanine H.

1. I played the flute for eight years. During those eight years I played in band at school and for the youth symphony for the county I lived in at the time.


Music for the Soul 

2. I love helping others. I hate to see people in pain. When I was in high school I use to go down to Mexico once a year in the summer time to help build houses and do fun stuff with the kids in the villages we went to.

3. I have an extra vertebrae in my lumbar spine. I just found this out about three years ago. It has never really bothered me. I was never a noticeable thing to me while growing up.

4. My guilty pleasure is to watch music videos. I love to see how artist express their music in a visual way.

5. I have been a massage therapist for the past ten years. I had to do a directed study in high school of something I was passionate about or was good at doing. So I studied massage therapy for a year. I have to write a research paper arguing my thesis. I had to also shadow a professional and get a one on one experience. At the end of the year before graduation we had to do a thirty minute presentation on the topic we had researched. It was such an exciting project. After I graduated I went and became a massage therapist.

6. I am not a strong reader or writer. I am looking forward to fine tuning some new skills I will be learning this semester. This blog is exciting and also scary. Not being very confident in my writing skills this will be a scary adventure. I am looking forward to the adventure and all the twist and turns that I will be experiencing.

7. I hate the sound of chewing and the sound of utensils scraping plates while sitting down for a meal while I am eating with other people. I try and have back ground music or sound on of some sort on, and I try and eat as fast as possible.

8. I love playing with my little b. It is so much fun watching his little eyes light up when he learns something new. He brings me so much joy to my life.

9. I love art and  music. I love being creative and creating things from anything. I am excited to be able to spread my creative edge to my new writing skills I will be learning this semester.

10. I love to drink coffee. I use to work for Starbucks a few years back. We were taught about how to taste the different flavor notes in the coffee. It is kind of like wine tasting. It was so much fun and educational. It gave me a better appreciation for a good cup of coffee.
